Personal Accident Insurance

As no one can deny that life is unpredictable. But we can prepare for it by taking away the “what if” and we have chosen Allianz Shield (Product by Allianz) which is among the top PA plan in the market.

Allianz Shield has extended to cover Motorcyling, Snatch Theft, Bumbee Jumping, Denggi and much more.
Furthermore, Allianz Shield is one of few that offer 100% renewal bonus without increasing your premium.

Benefit highlights -Allianz Shield:-

Accidental Death 60,000120,000180,000240,000360,000600,000
Medical Expenses (Reimbursement)3,5004,5005,5006,5007,5008,500
Renewal Bonus (up to)100% of Sum Insured100% of Sum Insured100% of Sum Insured100% of Sum Insured100% of Sum Insured100% of Sum Insured
Snatch Theft (up to)300 for personal effects300 for personal effects300 for personal effects300 for personal effects300 for personal effects300 for personal effects
Denggi Covered in Medical ExpensesYESYESYESYESYESYES
Funeral Expenses5,0005,0005,0005,0005,0005,000
Ambulance Fee (up to)500500500500500500
Premium (YEARLY) includedGST113.90188.10241.10315.30421.90686.30

** For sum insured of RM900,000 and RM1,200,000.00 , please contact our sales for procedures.
** For full product brochure, please click HERE